It's always a matter of perspective

Before the virus began running amok, my wife and I went to Spain. We travelled to several cities in the Eastern part of the country. I danced with the devils in a parade. I learned about the plight of the Catalonian people. We had a wonderful trip that she documented on her facebook page. Her photography is almost like being there.

Now we did visit all the requisite spots from the beaches at Malaga to the small clubs with dancers in Barcelona. Yes, we also made lots of side trips and discovered the pure joy of the people. 

I sketched and painted my way through our journey. What amazed me day after day was the incredible angles created by the architecture. I mean we are talking about buildings that are centuries old. 

This is just one of the sketches. La Mezquita de Cordoba. 

The Great Mosque of Córdoba held a place of importance amongst the Islamic community of al-Andalus for centuries. In Córdoba, the Umayyad capital, the Mosque was seen as the heart and central focus of the city. Muhammad Iqbal described its interior as having "countless pillars like rows of palm trees in the oases of Syria". To the people of al-Andalus "the beauty of the mosque was so dazzling that it defied any description."

This is a link to a short two minute tour of La Mezquita .  I hope you see the beauty that stopped me in my tracks and I just had to sketch.