Creativity goes beyond pigment. Writing skills offer yet another opt out to stay small in stature
A free imagination finds joy in the things most people pass by without any recognition
Funny how childhood experiences dictate adult behavior
Tragic accident. I survived. I just don't do crayons anymore
Discovery of new things often leads to discovery of latent talents
Well, there are plein air events everywhere in the spring and summer (fall and winter as well)
The weather is nice. Why not give it a go. Plein Air is a delightful way to spend the day
Without a sketchbook, traveling is no different that riding naked like Lady Godiva. Always carry a sketchbook.
Well, the story of a journey explains the title
George Floyd. Legacy? Murdered by police. He was not the first nor the last.
They shut the world down. Quarantine the rule everywhere.
Where were you. Tin soldiers and Nixon's comin' We're finally on our own This summer I hear the drummin' Four dead in Ohio…
If you be you, you will be fine. You can not be other than to attempt would be pure folly.
Time teaches talent when to rise and when to quietly move along
No way out? Au contraire mon ami. Where there is a will, there is a way.
Questions that have no answers